On this page you can find a location map as well as a list of places and services available around Elfenstrasse: Hotels, restaurants, sports facilities, educational centers, ATMs, supermarkets, gas stations and more.
Services near Elfenstrasse Please click on the checkbox to the left of the service name to show in the map the location of the selected services.
Shopping beauty shop - 304mGolden Solarium Thunstrasse, 92 Opening hours: Mo-Su 10:00-22:00 Hairdresser - 191mStudio Relax Thunstrasse, 71 Phone: +41 31 5355727 Hairdresser - 195mCosmetic en Vogue Thunstrasse, 71 Phone: +41 31 3024033 Email: info@cosmetic-envogue.ch Hairdresser - 278mCoiffeur-Lädeli - Maria Schranz Beatusstrasse, 7 Phone: +41 31 3513330 Furniture - 275mZbinden - Zbinden Reinhold AG Thunstrasse, 85 Phone: +41 31 3527044 Fax: +41 31 3527043 Email: info@zbindenbetten.ch Opening hours: Mo-Fr 08:30-12:00, 14:00-18:30; Sa 08:30-12:00; Su off Bakery - 363mReinhard Brunnadernstrasse, 21 Phone: +41 31 3524477 Fax: +41 31 3528326 Email: info@reinhard-baeckerei.ch Opening hours: Mo-Fr 06:30-18:30; Sa 06:30-15:00; Su 07:30-12:00 Electronics - 293mBelCom - BelCom Elektro GmbH Thunstrasse, 89 Phone: +41 31 3510100 Fax: +41 31 3515969 Email: info@belcom.org Opening hours: Mo-Fr 07:00-12:00, 13:00-18:00; Sa-Su off Electronics - 336mSTEG Thunstrasse, 96 Opening hours: Tu-Fr 10:00-12:30,13:30-18:30; Sa 10:00-16:00 hifi shop - 171mFono-Tone Thunstrasse, 71a/73a Phone: +41 31 3527858 Fax: +41 31 3527850 Email: kontakt@fono-tone.ch Convenience shop - 267mRüedu Thunstrasse, 90Other Fountain - 338mWasserschloss - Energie Wasser Bern Thunplatz, 1 diplomatic offices - 38mBotschaft Polen Elfenstrasse, 9 3006 Bern Phone: +41 31 3580240 Fax: +41 31 3580216 Email: berno.amb.sekretariat@msz.gov.pl Opening hours: Mo-Fr 08:15-16:15; Sa-Su off; PH off diplomatic offices - 196mEmbassy Angola Thunstrasse, 73 3006 Bern Phone: +41 31 3518585 Fax: +41 31 3518586 Email: sectorconsular@ambassadeangola.ch Opening hours: Mo-Fr 09:00-12:00, 14:00-16:00; Sa-Su off diplomatic offices - 287mKonsulat Polen Elfenstrasse, 20a 3006 Bern Phone: +41 31 3580213 Fax: +41 31 3580216 Email: berno.amb.wk@msz.gov.pl Opening hours: Mo-Fr 09:00-14:00; Sa-Su off; PH off diplomatic offices - 239mResidence Poland Elfenstrasse 20, 3006 Bern diplomatic offices - 360mResidenz Spanien Brunnadernstrasse, 43 3006 Bern diplomatic offices - 360mEmbassy of Spain Kalcheggweg, 24 3000 Bern Phone: +41 31 350 52 52 Fax: +41 31 350 52 55 Email: emb.berna@maec.es Opening hours: Mo-Fr 08:00-15:30; Sa-Su off diplomatic offices - 65mEmbassy Italy Elfenstrasse, 14 3005 Bern Phone: +41 31 3500777 Fax: +41 31 3500711 Email: ambasciata.berna@esteri.it Opening hours: Mo-Th 09:00-13:00, 14:00-17:00; Fr 08:30-13:00, 13:30-16:30; Sa-Su off diplomatic offices - 39mResidence Italy Elfenstrasse 10, 3006 Bern diplomatic offices - 120mBotschaft Irak Elfenstrasse, 6 3006 Bern diplomatic offices - 271mBotschaft Vatikan Thunstrasse, 60 3006 Bern diplomatic offices - 199mBotschaft Iran Thunstrasse, 68 3006 Bern diplomatic offices - 171mRepräsentanz Kurdistan Thunstrasse, 72 diplomatic offices - 54mResidenz Irland Beatusstrasse, 24 3006 Bern Vending Machine - 105m - - Bernmobil Elfenstrasse, 16 Vending Machine - 396m - - Bernmobil Thunplatz Phone: +41 31 3218347 Vending Machine - 254m - Thunplatz Vending Machine - 307m - Thunstrasse, 89 3006 Bern Clock - 421m - Thunplatz Waste Basket - 253m - Thunplatz Waste Basket - 372m - Thunplatz Waste Basket - 254m - Thunplatz Waste Basket - 314m - Waste Basket - 313m - Waste Basket - 344m - Thunstrasse, 100b Waste Basket - 337m - Brunnadernstrasse, 43 office-association - 362mTCS Kontakstelle Thunstrasse, 61 Toilets - 227m - Thunplatz, 15a office-company - 331mSigmaplan - Sigmaplan AG Thunstrasse, 91 Phone: +41 31 3566565 Fax: +41 31 3566560 Email: info@sigmaplan.ch NGO offices - 761mIntergovernmental Organisation for International Carriage by Rail Habsburgstrasse Phone: +41 31 3591010 Fax: +41 31 3591011 Email: info@otif.org office-union - 267mGewerkschaft Verkehrspersonal SEV Steinerstrasse, 35 Phone: +41 31 3575757 Fax: +41 31 3575758 Email: info@sev-online.ch Opening hours: Mo-Th 08:30–12:00, 13:30–17:00; Fr 08:30–12:00, 13:30–16:00; Sa-Su off office-it - 303mTicketpro - Ticketpro GmbH Steinerstrasse, 26a Phone: +41 31 5081434 Email: info@ticketpro.ch office-lawyer - 167mMarkwalder Emmenegger Thunstrasse, 82 Phone: +41 31 3562121 Fax: +41 31 3510065 Email: bern@mepartners.ch Veterinary - 239mKleintierpraxis Elfenau Thunstrasse, 83 Phone: +41 31 352 06 44 Fax: +41 31 352 93 71 Email: info@kleintierpraxis-elfenau.ch Shelter - 225m - Thunplatz, 13a Shelter - 250m - Brunnadernstrasse, 40a 3006 Bern office-architect - 196mrastarchitekten - R. Rast Architekten AG Beatusstrasse, 19 Phone: +41 31 3565454 Fax: +41 31 3565450 Email: admin@rastarchitekten.ch Connected streets List of streets and squares connected with